Whispers Of  Yesterday

By Julie A. D'Arcy

Published by "The Wild Rose Press"

An American scientist is willed a castle in Cornwall. To inherit he must arrive on All-Hallows-Eve. At the castle gates in the rain stands a beautiful red-haired woman, but she vanishes into the night.

            He soon learns of the tragic tale of Aidan and Alyssa d’Morgan …

The ghost of Alyssa d’Morgan burned as a witch for refusing to wed her dead husband’s father in 1644 haunts the castle where she died. She has sworn not to rest until she is reunited with her husband and soul mate, Cai.

A cry for help, echoing through the ages, inspires a young nobleman to rewrite history– and rediscover a passion he had only dreamt of…

Aidan d’Morgan, the re-incarnated soul of Cai d’Morgan, is reborn in the 1800’s and wins back Castle Thornwood on the turn of a card. On entering the castle, he cannot shake the feeling he is being watched and soon learns that the castle is haunted by a beautiful woman who speaks to him in his dreams. However, these are not simply dreams, but a past life, which he must revisit to find an answer to an age-old curse.

What transpires is an interwoven tale of chilling betrayal and a haunting love story that traverses three centuries…



“I have so many questions,” he said, holding her reflection in the mirror.

She moved closer, pressed her warm soft body to the length of his back, and encircled his waist.

His mouth went dry. He couldn’t swallow. He had always thought a ghost would be cold, but he had never felt such heat as that which now filled his body and hastened to pool in his loins at the soft caress of her silken hair and the touch of her hands on his sweat-damp skin.

She leaned her smooth cheek against his shoulder, and his body hardened with desire as she tilted her head to the side to watch him for several painful heartbeats through sooty lashes, her eyes dark, intense, wanting.

Suddenly he swung to seize her, but his hand passed through a draught of cold air. Goose bumps raced up his arm. She was gone, and he cursed himself for a fool. He should have known better than to try to capture something as elusive as an angel.


Published by The Wild Rose Press  March 2024

